The Hilton Harrisburg is a preferred hotel facility. Located within a short indoor walk through ‘Strawberry Square’ to the forum location at Harrisburg University, the Hilton is a popular choice for business travelers to Harrisburg.
Hilton Harrisburg
One North Second Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, United States 17101
Tel: 1-717-233-6000 Fax: 1-717-233-6271
Other Hotel Options
With the help of the Harrisburg Hershey Visitor’s Bureau, you can explore other options within a 15 minute drive of downtown Harrisburg.
23 S Second Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
Contact the Hotel at 888-444-0401
Comfort Inn Riverfront
525 South Front Street, Harrisburg, PA
Contact the Hotel at (717) 233-1611